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About Us


Sam's Book Flood is a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity that was created to provide a new grade level appropriate book for school aged children in Jackson County, Michigan at least once per year.  Most books will be provided at the end of December before school releases for the Winter break.  These books are for the children to keep and own for themselves.  Studies show that children growing up in homes with at least twenty books get three  years more of schooling than children from book free homes, regardless of their parents' education, occupation, and class.

The program is modeled after an Icelandic tradition where children receive a book to read and a chocolate treat on Christmas Eve.

Our Mission

The mission of Sam's Book Flood is to provide new books to school age children in Jackson County, Michigan with the goal of creating lifelong readers.  "Readers are leaders!"

Our Vision

We envision a community where all children own books and experience the joy that reading provides.

We Need Your Support Today!

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